Saturday 22 October 2011

7 Quick Ways to Turn Your LinkedIn Profile into a Social Media Marketing Workhorse

In my opinion, the most powerful social media profile you can use is the LinkedIn profile.
image of linkedin icon
Most powerful that is, if you are looking to do more business and/or achieve your professional goals.
There’s a certain mindset LinkedIn members have when they spend time there.
They don’t browse through pictures and videos of their friends.
They don’t go there to share 140 characters of their current status.
And they don’t go there to watch panda bears sneeze or talking dogs say “I love you”.
Although other social networking sites have their place and purpose, none of them have the professionally directed power of LinkedIn.

LinkedIn means business!

Your LinkedIn profile says everything about who you are professionally.
And since it tends to rank well on Google for your name, people will read your LinkedIn profile when they want to do research on you, your product, service, or company.
In other words, what you say on your profile will have an impact on the amount of business you do on LinkedIn.
Here are 7 ways to enhance the copy on your profile to ensure that you get everything you want from LinkedIn:

1. It’s all about the headline

Headlines are everything in newspapers, magazines, and on blogs.
They are just as important on your LinkedIn profile, because the headline the first thing that shows up anytime someone does a search online. A simple way to ensure your headline doesn’t suck is to follow a simple formula.
Tell people specifically:
  • Who you are
  • Who you help, and
  • How you help them
Tell them in the fewest words possible. Make your headline compelling and you’ll increase your chances of more meaningful profile views.

2. Get personal

Although LinkedIn is the “professional” social networking site, you want to reserve the first part of your “Summary” to add a personal note about yourself.
People don’t want to look at a resume with bullet points of past sales achievements (barf!), they want to know a little bit about your background. They want to know who you are.
To achieve this, add a personal intro about your goals, what you’re passionate about, and what you love to do in life.
This small touch of transparency will help you connect on a personal level with anyone who views your profile.

3. Spell check. And then check again.

You probably have no clue how many deals are happening day in and day out on LinkedIn.
I hear success stories all of the time about people landing their dream job, getting hired for a major consulting deal, finding 7 figure investors, receiving major sponsorships, selling out tickets to live events, and more.
The potential for what you can accomplish on LinkedIn is nearly unlimited.
However, I also hear about people who are completely turned off by a prospect with a bare-bones profile, or worse — spelling mistakes. Make sure to spell check everything and have others review it to give you their feedback.
This small step could make all the difference in your interactions on LinkedIn. You know what they say about those first impressions.

4. Make a call to action

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not having a call to action on your LinkedIn profile.
If you spend all of this time crafting a great message but don’t lead the viewer anywhere, all your work will have been for nothing.
In your “Summary”, or in your LinkedIn welcome video make sure to tell people what site they should go to for more information, what number to call to get a free consultation, or the best way to email you.
Don’t leave your potential customers and clients hanging. Give them a place to go next (and a reason to go there).

5. Social proof is powerful proof

Social proof helps influence others into making a “buying” decision.
LinkedIn makes this step easy by providing 3 primary sections to add social proof:
  • Education. Adding the college or university you attended provides your education credentials, and increases the value of your personal brand.
  • Awards. This section is the one place you can brag about yourself a little. Include any past accomplishments or industry awards you can think of that will increase the value of your profile.
  • Recommendations. The more recommendations you have on your profile the better. This is the best form of social proof, as it conveys credibility and authority. The best way to receive recommendations is to give them first.

6. Improve your search rankings

If you want to get more leads and sales, then the easiest thing you can do is become easily found on LinkedIn for keywords in your niche.
Think about what people would be searching for on Google to find your business, service, or product (for example, mine would be “sports” or “LinkedIn Tips”). Make sure you add your keywords throughout your LinkedIn profile in five main places.
Learn more about where to include your keywords and increase your LinkedIn SEO here.

7. Stand out from the crowd

With close to 130 million LinkedIn profiles, many of them look the same.
Don’t join the herd of boring “glamour shot” profiles. Instead, do something creative in your copy to market yourself on LinkedIn, stand out, and keep people coming back for more.
Add LinkedIn’s blog application, sync it with your twitter updates, or include other advanced applications to help your profile stand out from the rest.

Take your profile to the next level

As LinkedIn continues to grow in numbers and gain more media attention, it will prove to add more value to your brand and business.
If you want to get the most out of your efforts with LinkedIn, take the time right now to implement these 7 steps and watch your profile take off.

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